
2015 Influenta procesului de eroziune in zona costiera Olimp-Vama Veche Descarca
2013 Modelling of the marine hydrological processes in the proximity of Mangalia Harbour, Romania Descarca
2015 Offshore wave regime investigations towards safty port operations in the transitional zone of the romanian coast Descarca
2016 Phytocoenoses with Convolvulus Persicus L. on the western coast of the Black Sea Descarca
2014 Psammophilous plant associations from the coastal area between Periboina and Periteasca Descarca
2013 Remote sensing and GIS applications on the romanian coastal zone management and rehabilitation works Descarca
2013 Report on the State of the Marine and Coastal Environment in 2012 Descarca
2013 Spatial analysis of potential evapotranspiration in Danube Delta Descarca
2016 Spatio temporal trends of mean air temp during 1961-2009 and impact crop yields in the most important agricultural region of Romania Descarca